К вниманию договорных органов ООН в области прав человека и Отделения договоров по правам человека УВКПЧ (открытое письмо)


Мы, нижеподписавшиеся организации гражданского общества, пишем вам по вопросу, касающемуся функционирования договорных органов ООН во время пандемии КОВИД-19.

Эта пандемия оказала несоразмерное воздействие на работу договорных органов, приведя к отсрочке, отмене или сворачиванию практически всех сессий, запланированных на 2020 год. С июля 2020 года, большинство договорных органов проводило встречи в виртуальном формате и ограничило свою деятельность, перенеся рассмотрение всех запланированных страновых докладов. Последствия пандемии были усугблены финансовым кризисом, через которые проходит УВКПЧ и ООН.

Это – беспрецедентная ситуация, преодоление которой требует требует исключительных усилий всех заинтересованных сторон. Признавая значительные усилия членов договорных органов по продолжению большой части работы, мы остаемся обеспокоенными тем, что вызовы и ограничения, тщательно проанализированные Рабочей группой договорных органов по КОВИД-19, все еще применяются.

Письмо Верховного комиссара в адрес Государств-Участников от 28 августа рекомендовало, чтобы все сессии до конца года прошли онлайн, а некоторые – отменены. Хотя мы понимаем, что текущая ситуация создала огромные трудности, мы серьезно обеспокоены отставанием и пробелами в защите в силу того факта, что договорные органы не рассматривают страновые доклады. Мы также обеспокоены недостатком ясности в вопросе того, какую деятельность они смогут осуществлять в ближайшие месяцы.

Мы призываем договорные органы и секретариаты запланировать рассмотрение докладов государств на время не позднее 2021 года, и УВКПЧ приоритизировать для этого ресурсы и инструменты. Мы рекомендуем осуществить прогнозирование рисков и возможных сценариев с ясными планами по смягчению последствий и планами действий в чрезвычайных ситуациях, являющимися публичными и проактивно коммуницируемыми гражданскому обществу. В случае, если пандемия и далее предотвратит планирование физических сессий договорных органов в 2021 году, мы считаем, что должен быть принят прагматичный подход, позволяющий рассмотрение страновых докладов онлайн на временной и исключительной основе.

Учитывая опыт последних месяцев, договорные органы должны определить условия для рассмотрения докладов государств в формате онлайн и должны получить соответствующую поддержку со стороны УВКПЧ и других отделов ООН с тем, чтобы сделать возможным такое рассмотрение докладов в формате онлайн или в гибридной форме. Более того, существенным в специфическом контексте онлайн сессий является вебкаст, который должен быть надежным.

Предсказуемость, прозрачность, инклюзивность и доступность являются существенными условиями для того, чтобы обеспечить полное участие гражданского общества, как и всех заинтересованных сторон, в работе договорных органов, особенно в случае рассмотрения страновых договоров онлайн. Организациям гражданского общества требуется предварительное уведомление о предстоящей деятельности договорных органов для того, чтобы позволить им осуществлять мониторинг соблюдения прав человека, готовить альтернативные отчеты, планировать брифинги и находить финансирование для этой работы. Дополнительно, для частных онлайн брифингов с членами организаций гражданского общества должны быть обеспечены достаточные время и технические средства, включая доступность для людей с инвалидностью, которые полагаются на средства для чтения с экрана и жестовый язык, и доступность качественного аудио для переводчиков.

Учитывая изобилие ограничений и нарушений прав человека, возникающих из ответов на пандемию КОВИД-19, для носителей прав является ключевым то, что договорные органы, которые являются единственными независимыми и экспертными мониторами юридически обязательных договоров в области прав человека, имеют возможность выполнять свои мандаты и независимо оценивать соблюдение государствами своих обязательств. Фактически, на карту поставлена сама актуальность договорных органов, если они не смогут продолжать выполнение свой основополагающий мандат посреди кризиса в области прав человека.

Искренне ваши,

List of signatories

1. A 11 – Initiative for Economic and Social Rights Serbia

2. Abdorrahman Boroumand Center for Human Rights in Iran United States

3. Abdoul Razak Oumarou Magagi Niger

4. Abolition Institute United States

5. ACADHOSHA (Action des Chrétiens Activistes des Droits de l’Homme à


République Dém. du


6. ACAT Germany (Action by Christians for the Abolition of Torture) Germany

7. ACAT Italia Italy

8. ACAT-Switzerland Switzerland

9. Action by Christians for the Abolition of Torture (ACAT-Liberia) Liberia

10. Action Canada for Sexual Health and Rights Canada

11. Action on Smoking and Health United States

12. ACU Australia

13. Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association Palestine


15. AEJTCI Côte d’Ivoire

16. African Centre for Democracy and Human Rights Studies Gambia


18. Al Mezan Centre for Human Rights Palestine

19. Al-Haq Palestine

20. Albanian Coalition for Education Albania

21. Albinism Society of Eswatini Eswatini

22. AlertaVenezuela Venezuela

23. All Human Rights for All in IRAN Austria

24. All Okinawa Council for Human Rights Japan

25. All Survivors Project Liechtenstein

26. Alliance against Racial Profiling Switzerland

27. Alliance for the Rights of the Child Czechia

28. Almen Modstand Danmark

29. American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) United States

30. Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain United States

31. Amnesty International Global

32. Anti-Discrimination Centre Memorial Belgium

33. Anti-Slavery International United Kingdom

34. APC Argentina

35. APDET-DEI TCHAD (Association pour la Protection des Droits des Enfants

au Tchad-Défense des Enfants international Tchad) Tchad


37. Ararteko (Ombudsman of the Basque Country-Spain)

Spain (Basque


38. ARC International Global

39. ARCH Disability Law Centre Canada

40. Article 12 in Scotland United Kingdom

41. Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact (AIPP) Thailand

42. Asia Pacific Human Rights Information Center (HURIGHTS OSAKA) Japan

43. Asia Pacific Transgender Network (APTN) Thailand

44. Asian Legal Resource Centre (ALRC) Hong Kong

45. Asociacion Azul Argentina

46. Asociación Civil Equidad LGBTI Bolivia

47. Asociación Civil por la Igualdad y la Justicia Argentina

48. Asociación Interamericana para la Defensa del Ambiente (AIDA) Regional Organization

49. Asociaciòn para una Ciudadania Participativa (ACI PARTICIPA) Honduras

50. Assocation des Jeunes Futures Cadres du Pays ( AJEFUCAP) en sigle


Démocratique du


51. Associação de Mulheres contra a Violência Portugal

52. Association “Paix”pour la lutte contre la contrainte et l’injustice Mauritanie



en sigle

République Dém. du


55. Association du Developpement et de la promotion de Droit de l Homme Mauritanie

56. Association for Emancipation, Solidarity and equality of Women- ESE North Macedonia

57. Association for Progressive Communications (APC) Global

58. Association Mauritanienne pour la Promotion des Droits de l’homme AMPDH Mauritanie

59. Association pour la défense des droits de la femme mauritanienne Mauritanie

60. Association pour la prévention de la torture (APT) Switzerland

61. Association pour les Droits de l’Homme et l’Univers Carcéral(ADHUC) République du Congo

62. Asssemblée nationale/ République Démocratique du Congo

République Dém. du


63. ASTRA-Antitrafficking action Serbia

64. Aula Abierta Venezuela

65. Autistic Minority International Switzerland

66. Avocats Sans Frontières Belgique

67. AWID Global

68. AyeRight United Kingdom

69. Bangladesh SCM Bangladesh

70. Banglar Manabadhikar Suraksha Mancha (MASUM) India

71. BAOBAB for Women’s Human Rights Nigeria

72. Belarusian Helsinki Committee Belarus

73. BLUE 21 / Unfairtobacco Germany

74. British Columbia Aboriginal Network on Disability Society Canada

75. Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies Switzerland

76. Caleidoscopio Humano Venezuela

77. Cambodia Children And Young People Movement For Child Right(CCYMCR) Cambodia

78. Cambodian Center for Human Rights Cambodia

79. Canadian Autism Spectrum Disorder Alliance Canada

80. Carleton University Canada

81. Casa de la Mujer Bolivia

82. Católicas por el Derecho a Decidir/Bolivia Bolivia

83. CBCP National Secretariat for Social Action Philippines

84. Cendif-Universidad Metropolitana Venezuela

85. Center for Danish-Muslim Relations (CEDAR) Denmark

86. Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL) Global

87. Center for Justice and International Law Regional Organization

88. Center for Military Human Tights Korea Republic of Korea

89. Center for Pan-African Affairs United States

90. Center for Participation and Development Georgia

91. Center for Reproductive Rights Switzerland

92. Central Union for Child Welfare (Lastensuojelun Keskusliitto) Finland

93. Centre d’information et de formation en matière de droits humains en Afrique Burkina Faso

94. Centre for Child Law South Africa

95. Centre for Civil and Political Rights Switzerland

96. Centre for Peace Studies Croatia

97. Centre for the Development of Democracy and Human Rights Russia

98. Centre for Youth and Children’s Affairs Affairs (CEYCA) Malawi

99. Centre International de Conseil, de Recherche et d’Expertise en Droits de

l’Homme (CICREDHO) Switzerland

100.Centre Suisse pour la Défense des Droits des Migrants (CSDM) Switzerland

101.Centro de Derechos Humanos Fray Bartolomé de Las Casas, A.C. México

102.Centro de Derechos Humanos FrayMatías de Córdova A.C. México

103.Centro de Derechos Humanos Paso del Norte Mexico

104.Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales Argentina

105.Centro de Prevención, Tratamiento y Rehabilitación de las Víctimas de la

Tortura y sus Familiares (CPTRT) Honduras

106.Centro JuanaAzurduy Bolivia

107.Centro para los Defensores y la Justicia (CDJ) Venezuela

108.Changement Social Bénin Bénin

109.Child Monks Project (alternative report submission from private party) Canada

110.Child Protection Alliance The Gambia

111.Child Rights Centre Serbia

112.Child Rights Centre Albania Albania

113.Child Rights Coalition Cambodia (CRC-Cambodia) Cambodia

114.Child Rights Connect Global

115.Child Rights Information Centre (CRIC) Moldova

116.Child Rights International Network – CRIN United Kingdom

117.Child Rights Network Switzerland Switzerland

118.Children First Canada Canada

119.Children in Wales Wales (UK)

120.Children’s Law Centre (Northern Ireland) N Ireland

121.Children’s Parliament Scotland Scotland

122.Children’s Rights Alliance Ireland

123.Children’s Rights Alliance Aotearoa New Zealand New Zealand

124.Children’s Rights Alliance for England, part of Just for Kids Law England

125.Children’s Health & Human Rights Partnership Canada

126.Children’s Rights Centre Cape Breton University Canada

127.Chinese & Southeast Asian Legal Clinic Canada

128.CHOICE for Youth and Sexuality The Netherlands

129.Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) United Kingdom

130.CIES Salud Sexual Salud Reproductiva Bolivia

131.Civil Society Coalition on the Convention on the Rights of the Child Philippines

132.Civil Society Human Rights Advocacy Platform OF Liberia Liberia

133.CLADEM Bolivia Bolivia

134.CLADHO Rwanda

135.Coalición Boliviana de Colectivos LGBTI Bolivia



137.Coalition Togolaise des Défenseurs des Droits Humains (CTDDH) Togo

138.COC Netherlands The Netherlands

139.COCADE Cameroon

140.Colectivo de Derechos Humanos Nicaragua Nunca Más Costa Rica

141.Colectivo tlgb Bolivia

142.Colectivo TLGB Tarija Bolivia

143.Colombian Commission of Jurists Colombia

144.COLTE/CDE Guinea

145.Combite pour la Paix et le développement Haïti

146.Comisión de Derechos Humanos de la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y

Políticas de la Universidad del Zulia Venezuela

147.Comisión Mexicana de Defensa y Promoción de los Derechos Humanos México

148.Comissão Nacional para os Direitos Humanos e a Cidadania – CNDHC Cabo Verde

149.Comitato per la promozione e protezione dei diritti umani Italy

150.Comité de los Derechos del Niño del Uruguay CDNU Uruguay

151.Comunidad de Derechos Humanos Bolivia

152.Congrès Mondial Amazigh

Tamazgha, région

Afrique du nord

153.Consejo Superior de la Empresa Privada (COSEP) Nicaragua

154.Consorcio para el Diálogo Parlamentario y la Equidad Oaxaca A.C. México

155.Construisons Ensemble le Monde DRC

156.Coordinadora de Derechos Humanos del Paraguay (CODEHUPY) Paraguay

157.Coordinadora Institucional de Promoción por los Derechos de la Niñez


158.Coordinadora por los Derechos de la Infancia y la Adolescencia de Paraguay

– CDIA Paraguay

159.Coordinated Organizations and Communities for Roma Human Rights in

Greece (SOKADRE) Greece

160.Coordination des Associations et des Particuliers pour la Liberté de

Conscience France

161.Coordination des ONG pour les droits de l’enfant Belgique

162.Corporación Humanas Chile

163.Corporación OPCION Chile

164.Cotidiano Mujer Uruguay

165.COVIRE Mauritanie

166.Cross Cultural Foundation, Thailand Thailand

167.CSO “La Strada-Ukraine” Ukraine

168.DeafBlind Ontario Services Canada

169.Defence for Children International Palestine

170.Defensa de Niñas y Niños – Internacional, DNI Costa Rica Costa Rica

171.Defensa de ninas y niños internacional DNI-Colombia Colombia

172.Défense des enfants International Belgique Belgium

173.Defiende Venezuela Venezuela

174.Dementia Alliance International Global

175.Derechos en Accion Bolivia

176.Destination Justice France

177.Developmental Action without Borders/Naba’a Lebanon


179.Diakonia Bolivia

180.Diverse Voices and Action (DIVA) for Equality Fiji

181.Documenta – Center for Dealing with tha Past Croatia

182.Dominicans for Justice and Peace Switzerland

183.Down Syndrome International United Kingdom

184.DPI Women’s Network Japan! Japan

185.DRA Berlin Germany

186.Due Process of Law Foundation – DPLF Regional Organization

187.Dutch NGO Coalition for Children’s Rights The Netherlands

188.Earthjustice United States

189.Eastern Caribbean Alliance for Diversity and Equality Saint Lucia

190.ECOM – Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity Estonia

191.ECPAT Belgium Belgium

192.ECPAT Child Alert NZ New Zealand

193.ECPAT International Thailand

194.ECPAT Norway Norway

195.ECPAT Philippines, Inc. Philippines

196.Egyptian Foundation for Advancement of the Childhood Conditions Egypt

197.EMISCO France

198.Enhedslisten Antiracist Group Aarhus Denmark

199.Enhedslistens Antiracistiske Udvalg Denmark

200.Ensemble contre la peine de mort (ECPM) France

201.Equality Myanmar Myanmar

202.Eurochild Belgium

203.European Disability Forum Belgium

204.European Roma Rights Centre Belgium


206.EXCUBITUS Derechos Humanos en Educación Venezuela

207.Federación Nacional de Personas con Discapacidad Panamá

208.Federatie Antilliaanse Jeugdzorg / Antillean Federation for Youth Care

Curacao / Kingdom of

the Netherlands



210.FIAN Belgium Belgium

211.FIAN Burkina Faso Burkina Faso

212.FIAN Colombia Colombia

213.FIAN Germany Germany

214.FIAN INDIA India

215.FIAN International Global (Geneva Office)

216.FIAN México México

217.FIAN Portugal Portugal

218.FIAN Sri Lanka Sri Lanka

219.FIAN Switzerland for the Right to Food Switzerland

220.FIAN Uganda Uganda

221.Fondation Pain d’espoir Haïti

222.Foreningen Norges Døvblinde (FNDB) Norway

223.Forum for Human Rights Czechia

224.Forum Menschenrechte e.V Germany


226.FRI – The Norwegian Organisation for Sexual and Gender Diversity Norway

227.FUNCAMAMA Venezuela

228.Fundacion Aguaclara Venezuela

229.Fundación Comunidad Esperanza y Justicia Internacional (FUNCEJI) Dominican Republic

230.Fundación CONSTRUIR Bolivia

231.Fundacion Educacion Y Cooperacion – Educo (Philippines) Philippines


233.G.Men.V. Tarija – Organización de Hombres Gay de Tarija – Bolivia Bolivia

234.Génération Justice Haiti

235.Geneva for Human Rights – Global Training (GHR)) Switzerland

236.Gerard Noodt Foundation FoRB The Netherlands

237.GIN-SSOGIE South Africa

238.Global Campaign for Equal Nationality Rights

Global / Secretariat –

United States

239.Global Detention Project Switzerland

240.Global Initiative for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights Global

241.Global Network of Sex Work Projects Scotland UK

242.Greek Helsinki Monitor Greece

243.Groupe FIAN-Haiti Haiti

244.Grupo de Iniciativa Nacional por los Derrechos del Niño-GIN Perú

245.Gulf Center for Human Rights (France) France

246.Gulf Centre for Human Rights (MENA region) MENA Region

247.Halley Movement Mauritius

248.Harm Reduction International United Kingdom

249.Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly – Vanadzor Armenia

250.Hiroshima Network for the Solution of the Japanese Military “Comfort” Women

Issue Japan

251.Hope For Children CRC Policy Center Cyprus

252.House of Sharing/Museum of Military Sexual Slavery by Japan Republic of Korea

253.HPLGBT Ukraine

254.Human Constanta Belarus

255.Human Dignity France

256.็ Human Rights and Development Foundation Thailand

257.Human Rights and Gender Justice Clinic, CUNY School of Law United States

258.Human Rights Center of Azerbaijan Azerbaijan

259.Human Rights Consortium Northern Ireland

260.Human Rights Defenders Network-SL Sierra Leone

261.Human Rights Foundation of Aotearoa New Zealand New Zealand

262.Human Rights House Crimea Ukraine

263.Human Rights House Foundation Noray

264.Human Rights House Zagreb Croatia

265.Human Rights in China United States

266.Human Rights Institute of South Africa South Africa

267.Human Rights Matter e.V. Germany

268.Human Rights Now Japan

269.Human Rights Space Vietnam

270.Human Rights Watch Switzerland

271.Humanist Union of Greece Greece

272.Humanists International United Kingdom

273.Humanium Switzerland

274.humanrights.ch Switzerland

275.Humsn Rights Alert India

276.Hungarian Helsinki Committee Hungary

277.I(dh)eas, Litigio Estratégico en Derechos Humanos A.C. México


279.Ihmisoikeusliitto – The Finnish League for Human Rights Finland

280.ILGA World Switzerland

281.ILGA-Europe Belgium

282.Imya bibliothèque Gabon

283.Inclusion Finland, KVTL Finland

284.Inclusive Development International United States

285.Independent Human Rights Investigators Liberia

286.Independent Living Canada Canada

287.Indigenous Peoples Rights International

Philippines (Global


288.Indonesian Mental Health Association Indonesia

289.Iniciativa Mesoamericana de Mujeres Defensoras de Derechos Humanos Mesoamérica

290.Initiative for Social and Economic Rights Uganda

291.İnsan Hakları Derneği / Human Rights Association [İHD] Türkiye

292.Institut des Médias pour la Démocratie et les Droits de l’Homme (IM2DH) Togo

293.Institute of Child Protection Studies Australia

294.INT’L SOCIAL SERVICE Switzerland

295.Intact Denmark Denmark

296.InterAction – Association Suisse pour les Intersexes Switzerland

297.International Association for Religious Freedom The Netherlands

298.International Catholic Child Bureau Switzerland

299.International Centre for Ethnic Studies, Sri Lanka Sri Lanka

300.International Civil Society Action Network (ICAN) United States

301.International Commission of Jurists Switzerland

302.International Council of Women Switzerland

303.International Dalit Solidarity Network Denmark

304.International Disability Alliance (IDA) Global

305.International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) Global (HQ in France)

306.International Federation of ACAT (FIACAT) France

307.International Federation of Hard of Hearing People Canada

308.International Foster Care Organisation (IFCO) United Kingdom

309.International Institute on Race, Equality and Human Rights (Race and

Equality) Switzerland

310.International Movement Against All Forms of Discrimination and Racism

(IMADR) Japan

311.International Network of People who Use Drugs (INPUD) United Kingdom

312.International Partnership for Human Rights (IPHR) Belgium

313.International Women Fund Azerbaijan Azerbaijan

314.Intersex Belgium Belgium

315.Ipas United States

316.Ipas Bolivia Bolivia

317.Iraqi Al-Amal Association Iraq

318.ISHR Switzerland

319.Jacob Blaustein Institute for the Advancement of Human Rights United States


321.Japan Disability Forum Japan

322.Japan Federation of Publishing Workers’ Union Japan

323.Japan National Group of Mentally Disabled People Japan

324.Japan NGO Network for CEDAW Japan

325.Japan NGO Network for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (ERD Net) Japan

326.Japan Women’s Action for Optional Protocol to CEDAW Japan

327.Japan’s Military Sexual Slaves Problem Committee of Church of Christ in

Japan Japan

328.Japanese Association of International Women’s Rights (JAIWR) Japan

329.Japanese Workers’ Committee for Human Rights Japan

330.Josie Guo Canada

331.Journey of the Heart Ministries United States

332.Just Fair United Kingdom

333.Just Planet Global (Geneva HQ)

334.Justice for Girls Canada

335.Juvenile Justice Advocates International Mexico

336.Karapatan Alliance Philippines Philippines

337.Kazakhstan Feminist Initiative ‘Feminita’ Kazakhstan

338.Kazakhstan International Bureau for Human Rights and the Rule of Law Kazakhstan

339.Kehitysvammaliitto ry Finland

340.Kok.team z.s. Kazakhstan

341.KOURAJ Haiti

342.La Voix des Sans Voix pour les Droits de l’Homme (VSV)

République Dém. du


343.LakanBini Advocates Pilipinas Philippines

344.LatinoJustice PRLDEF United States

345.Lawyers for Human Rights Ethiopia

346.Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada Canada

347.Legal Awareness Watch (LAW) Pakistan

348.Legal Information Centre for Human Rights Estonia

349.Libereco Partnership of Human Rights Germany

350.Ligue tunisienne des droits de l’homme Tunisia

351.Little Hands Japan

352.Living Association Thailand

353.Lokataru Indonesia Indonesia

354.Lokshakti Abhiyan India

355.Maat for Peace,Development and Human Rights Egypt

356.MANARA Network

Lebanon and Arab



358.masa.media Kazakhstan

359.medical action group Philippines

360.MENA Rights Group Switzerland

361.Mental health and human rights info Norway

362.Mental Illness Awareness Support Association Malaysia

363.Mieli Finnish Mental Health Finland

364.Migrant-Rights.org GCC States

365.Migration Développement Sénégal

366.Miguel Agustín Pro Juárez Human Rights Center (Center Prodh) Mexico

367.MINBYUN – Lawyers for a Democratic Society Republic of Korea

368.Minority Rights Group – Greece Greece

369.Minority Rights Group International United Kingdom

370.Moldovan Institute for Human Rights (IDOM) Republic of Moldova

371.Monitor Social A.C. Venezuela

372.Monitoring Working Group of ESCR-Net, representing 39 civil society

organisations (full list here https://www.escr-net.org/members) Global

373.Movimiento Autónomo de Mujeres (MAM) Nicaragua

374.Muritanie Min Nejejitta United States

375.Musawah Global

376.National Coalition for the Implementation of the UN-Convention on the Rights

of the Child in Austria Austria

377.National Coalition Germany – Network for the Implementation of the UN

Convention on the Rights of the Child Germany

378.National Secular Society United Kingdom

379.National Youth Council Austria (Bundes Jugend Vertretung) Austria

380.Natural Resource Women Platform Liberia

381.Nederlands Juristen Comité voor de Mensenrechten (NJCM) The Netherlands

382.Netherlands Helsinki Committee The Netherlands



384.NGO Coalition on Child Rights (NGO CCR) Malawi

385.NGO Platform for Human Rights Switzerland Switzerland

386.Noor Jung Shah Nepal

387.Nuremberg Human Rights Centre Germany

388.Observatori DESC Spain

389.Observatorio del Sur OBSUR Uruguay

390.Odhikar Bangladesh

391.ODRI Intersectional rights Perú

392.Ombudsman for Children Croatia

393.ONG Centro de Fomento a las Iniciativas Economicas (FIE) Bolivia




397.Open Doors International United Kingdom

398.ORE Organización de Apoyo Legal y Social Bolivia

399.organisation contre la torture etunisie Tunisia

400.OutRight Action International United States

401.Oxfam GB Rwanda

402.Pacific Women’s Watch New Zealand

403.Pakistan Fisherfolk Forum Pakistan

404.Peace Movement Aotearoa New Zealand

405.People for Successful COrean REunification South Korea

406.People’s Plan Study Group Japan

407.PF “Legal Policy Research Centre” Kazakhstan

408.PF “Wings of Liberty” (Erkindik Qanaty in KZ) Kazakhstan

409.Philippine Alliance of Human Rights Advocates (PAHRA) Philippines

410.Pink human rights denfeder NGO Armenia

411.Pioneer Filipino Transgender men Movement Philippines

412.Pirurvik Preschool Canada

413.Plan International Switzerland

414.Ponimanie Belarus

415.Portugal Unicef National Committee Portugal

416.Positive Discipline in Everyday Life Canada

417.Prison Fellowship- Liberia Liberia


419.Promo LEX Association Republic of Moldova

420.Protection International Mesoamérica

Guatemala, Honduras,

El Salvador, Nicaragua

421.Public Association “Dignity” Kazahkstan

422.Public foundation “Ar.Rukh.Khak” Kazakhstan

423.Public Foundation Notabene Tajikistan

424.Public İnitiatives Center Azerbaijan

425.Public Verdict Foundation Russia

426.Rafto Foundation for Human Rights Norway

427.RCS – Red de Coalciones Sur, por los derechos de la niñez y la adolescencia

de Latinoamerica. Latinoamerica

428.Real World, Real People NGO Armenia

429.Red Internacional de Derechos Humanos (RIDH) Global

430.Red Para la Infancia y la Adolescencia de El Salvador (RIA) El Salvador

431.REDE DA CRIANÇA Mozambique

432.REDHNNA, Red por los Derechos Humanos de Niños, Niñas y Adolescentes Venezuela

433.Reference-Haiti Haiti

434.Refugee Rights Europe Europe-wide

435.Refugees Welcome, Denmark Denmark

436.Remte Bolivia

437.Réseau International des Droits Humains RIDH Switzerland

438.RFSL (The Swedish Federation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender,

Queer and Intersex Rights) Sweden

439.Rick Hansen Foundation Canada

440.Right to Education Initiative United Kingdom

441.ROA/PRODAMC Mauritanie

442.Rural People’s Sangam India

443.Salam for Democracy and Human Rights Bahrain

444.SAPI Switzerland

445.Save the Children Global

446.SCARJoV – Associação de Reintegração dos Jovens/Crianças na Vida Social Angola

447.Secretariat of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights Ukraine

448.Service droit des jeunes de Bruxelles Belgique

449.Servicio Social Pasionista – SSPAS El Salvador

450.Sexual Rights Initiative Global

451.SIPAE – Sistema de Investigación de la Problemática Agraria del Ecuador Ecuador

452.Sir Ian Hassall New Zealand

453.Sisters’ Arab Forum for Human Rights (SAF) Egypt

454.Social Justice Women South Africa

455.Sociedad Hominis Iura (SOHI) Venezuela

456.Society for Abolishing the Family Registration System and Discriminations

against Children Born out of Wedlock Japan

457.SOHRAM-CASRA – Centre Action Sociale Réhabilitation et Réadaptation

pour les Victimes de la Torture, de la guerre et de la violence Türkiye

458.Solidarity Network with Migrants Japan Japan


République Dém. du


460.SOS Children’s Villages International Austria

461.SOS Children’s Villages Somalia

462.SOS Racisme Danmark Denmark



465.Sri Lanka Nature Group Sri Lanka

466.Stichting NNID The Netherlands

467.Stiftelsen Allmänna Barnhuset Sverige

468.Swedish OSCE-network signs Sweden

469.Swiss Peace Council / Schweizerischer Friedensrat, Zürich Switzerland

470.Synergie des Femmes pour les victimes de violences sexuelles (SFVS)


Démocratique du


471.TAPOL United Kingdom

472.Task Force Detainees of the Philippines (TFDP) Philippines

473.Te Ngākau Kahukura New Zealand

474.TEDIC Paraguay

475.The Advocates for Human Rights United States

476.The Association of the Survivors of Makobola Massacres ( ARMMK)

Massacres ( ARMMK)

République Dém. du


477.The Barys Zvoskau Belarusian human rights house Lithuania

478.The Canada OPCAT Project Canada

479.The Consortium for Street Children United Kingdom

480.The Elizabeth Fry Society of Greater Vancouver Canada

481.The Feminist Association Unioni Finland

482.The Finnish Association of the Deaf Finland

483.The Organization to Support the Lawsuits for Freedom of Education in Tokyo Japan

484.The Public Committee Against Torture in Israel Israel

485.Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy India

486.Together (Scottish Alliance for Children’s Rights) United Kingdom

487.Transforming Communities for Inclusion of persons with psychosocial

disabilities Asia Pacific (TCI Asia Pacific)

Regional organizationAsia Pacific region

488.Transgender Europe (TGEU) Germany

489.Transvanilla Transgender Association Hungary

490.Trasek ry Finland

491.TRIAL International Switzerland

492.Tusaidiane Disabilities Resources and Charity Organization of Tanzania

(TDRCT) Tanzania

493.Unang Hakbang Foundation Inc. Philippines


495.Unidad de Defensa Jurídica (UDJ) Nicaragua

496.Unión Nacional de Instituciones para el Trabajo de Acción Social, UNITAS Bolivia

497.Union Women Center Azerbaijan Azerbaijan

498.United Belize Advocacy Movement Belize

499.United for Iran United States

500.Urgenda The Netherlands

501.Urgent Action Fund for Women’s Human Rights United States

502.Uthema Maldives

503.Validity Foundation – Mental Disability Advocacy Centre Global

504.Vigilance for Democracy and the Civic State Tunisia

505.VIS-Volontariato Internazionale per lo Sviluppo Italy

506.Voces Ciudadanas Perú

507.War Child Holland Sri Lanka

508.Women Against Rape Inc. Antigua

509.Women and Modern World Social Charitable Center Azerbaijan

510.Women Rights Monitoring Groups of Human Rights Center of Azerbaijan Azerbaijan

511.Women’s Fund for Peace and Human Rights Japan

512.Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) Global Switzerland

513.Women’s Link Worldwide Spain and Colombia

514.Women’s Refugee Commission Global

515.Women’s All Points Bulletin, WAPB United States

516.World Evangelical Alliance Switzerland

517.World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT) Switzerland

518.World Uyghur Congress Allemagne

519.Yemeni NGOs Coalition For Child Rights Care Yemen

520.Yes the National Network for Mental Health Canada

521.ZMINA Human Rights Center Ukraine

522.Коалиция НПО Казахстана против пыток Kazakhstan

523.Общественное объединение “Кадыр-касиет”/Public association “Dignity” Kazakhstan

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