In Aktubinsk area was occurred following conflict between Kazakhstan employees and foreign people. This time the conflict is between Turkish management of company, restoring “death road” in Irgiz region, and Kazakhstan drivers.
For three days from the 29th of May till 1st of June KAMAZ-drivers “Akzhol-auto” (the contractors of “Ivrus” ltd and “Danarahzas Kazakhstan” ltd) refused to go to work, required to execute their requirements, as: conclusion of labor agreements, worthy feeding, salary at a rate of Turkish workers and not to subtract the cost of auto spare parts, fuel from their salaries, also to reflect in table their real worked off amount of time and flight.
It’s known that state had allocated for about five milliard tenge (about 33 m. of USD) for recovering the sector of the road Aktobe-Irgiz from the Republican route Samara-Shymkent. Herewith, it appears that Kazakhstan workers have to eat porridge (strictly and invariably plate of porridge and three livers for breakfast). For dinner they have fluid soup plus corn hominy. Our workers live in poky vans (12 sq m) for about 7-8 people in each. At the same time Turkish people working at skating rink along grader, superciliously declaring that “Kazakhs eat the leftovers from their table” and never will live in suitable premises with conditioner. And Turkish workers’ salary is for about one and a half-two thousand dollars in a month, and for about 50-60 thousand tenge are paying our workers. Though, on labour exchange in Aktobe KAMAZ drivers were promised to get the salary more than one hundred and thousand tenge. However, when the wage payments are coming mass reductions and sackings are begun. And the whole management of Irgiz region has to “tight” as during the last strike.
Akim (mayor) of the region had to arrive to the strike place, also public prosecutors and even special police. There were no need of support from the last one because Turkish gave the forms of agreements to workers (without instruction of salary sizes, bonus and descriptions of all employers‘ obligations); additionally people signed an agreement with the back number. As a result 20 KAMAZ drivers refused to return to work even by bus, which is presented by company, they just went home. But is not a trouble, next day in Aktobe and close regions had already begun labour for heroic recovering of the route Samara-Shymkent.
It’s interesting that Mr. Savir Ravadanov an executive director of the TSA Company “Akzhol auto” unequivocally intimates that he is not afraid of any checking because Ministry supports him. Besides, advises journalists who remind about five milliard tenge not to consider as his money.