Administrative court of Taldykorgan attracted by the article 373 parts 1 Administrative Codex of RK members of oppositional party Galina Dolgova and Lyaila Hadzhimuratova to responsibility for organization of unauthorized picket line near the city administration (akimat) building. Truly, this time the deal was limited by warning.
They were accused because they stood near the akimat with glued on bosom words: “Officials, you are breaking the requirement of Nazarbaev. Account for Mass Media about your own incomes“. Noodles were hanging on the ears of several participants.
On lawsuits members of party “Azat” were protected by activists of unscheduled political party “Alga“. Baniamin Faizullin – a member of the party “Alga” proved in the court that members of “Azat” didn’t picket the building of city akimate, they brought their next message. Additionally, defendants themselves were agreeing with this statement.
-A picket line – is an action of the small group of people, – confirmed in courtroom Faizullin. – Usually governmental or other state institutions picket with posters and lined papers, expressing their ideas and visions. But the party “Azat” didn’t have any ideas or visions in their messages. They only reminded officials about requirements of Nazarbaev.
Aliya Kasymkhan kyzy – the Chairman of Taldykorgan society of human rights, rule of law and assistance to democracies – commented this lawsuit:
– In spite of the fact that members of party “Azat” appeared with requirement of Nazarbaev, they were sent under court. Local authorities do not want oppositional parties emerged in support of state chapters.
Right of freedom of assembly and liberty of expression of opinions is one of the main bases of democracy. And Kazakhstan as one of the signatures of many international documents and going to become the chairman of the OSCE has to know it. Kazakhstan is obliged to provide citizens a realization of these rights. Kazakhstan laws, which forbids people to conduct the meetings, picket lines and mass-meetings, must disappear in archives of history.