In one of the Taldykorgan high schools beside young teacher of geography Aida Dekebayeva appeared some problems due to the carrying of hijab. These days a director of this school recommended the lady to change her image and not to carry kerchief in school. As it was realized, government officials of education had made a decision about forbid on carrying of religious cloth in wall of the educational institutions. And this rate was prescribed in charter of the school.
Aida Dekebayeva a teacher of
– Problems began recently. This is because administration of the school took the charter ordering prohibition on carrying of religious clothes. But I think this document has no legal power. For the rest everything is ok. I’m responsible for my job.
The Director of the
In Almaty regional department of education reacted quickly. In depths of the institution was made a decision about forbid on carrying of the religious clothes in school. Now young teacher Aida Dekebayeva is afraid that she can be fired. But the director of the school denies that she make illegal or psychological pressure.
– I don’t have any claims to Aida Dekebayeva I have just acquainted her with the decision of the educational department. I had to do it. Since I’m executing the recommendations of this management, – explained Gulinara Muratbekova in conversation with the author.
Taldykorgan religious organizations are intending to protect the rights of Muslim believers on carrying hijab in educational institutions. The President of quotient fund “
However, many Muslim people ask not to create the agiotage around the hijab. In their opinion it is only a kerchief. Orthodox Muslim and lawyer by profession Amir Gazaliev considers: “Hijab is only a kerchief. It is an attribute to the feminine cloth and does not carry any religious or social coloration. In his opinion the kerchief can not influence upon the pupils neither in bad, nor in prettier side”.
The Chairman of the Taldykorgan society of human rights Aliya Kasymhankyzy calls to respect the liberty of the peoples’ religion. But also a lawyer emphasizes:
– A liberty of religion as well as freedom of religion is inwardly larval notions. Strangers of the person can not see, understand or measure the depth, power and purity of the faith or shame. Only people themselves know the price. The modern history witnesses: past atheists and communists today suddenly become believers. Where is the guarantee that in case of the change of the political system they will not change to the atheist newly?
Recently, Aida Dekebayeva has written the statement to the region’s public prosecutor’s office. She wants to realize: was it the official decision of Ministry of Education which forbids carrying religious clothes in schools walls. And is it possible to refer them a feminine kerchief?