On Saturday a group of youth people, which supports the campaign “For free Internet” decided to raise with flash mobs an objection to receiving amendments in law about informational – communicative telecommunications.
There were no organizers because the wave of discontents by these amendments rose to the Republican motion, in which participate as chapters of known organizations and editors of the publishing, so youth organizations, and informal communities.
There are a lot of deputies who are raising an objection to inadequate amendments, even in Parliament. So there is nothing amazing that young citizens from different beliefs have solved to express theirs attitudes to censorship in Network simply, but by entertainment way: gained in Almaty Arbate (pedestrian street), fasten the computer mousse to air ball and release them to the skyward, having bidden farewell, thereby, with freedom of speech in Internet.
However, on Saturday in the 16th of May for several hours before the flash mob, Irina Mednikova – one of the organizers of “For free Internet” movement had a call from person who represented himself as an assistant of Almaty region public prosecutor and said that they had to meet and talk. Mrs. Mednikova answered that it was weekend, and asked the public prosecutor’s office to send their own questions or notice about need of appearance in this organ on Monday, as it’s provided by law. However, assistant of the public prosecutor reported that he is authorized to send the urgent notice.
What turned out to be, a letter, which assistant of the public prosecutor had sent to Irina Mednikova, contained warning about that preparing by youth people flash mob, will be considered by authority as illegal.
By way of substantiation of forbidden flash mob, Usipbayev K. K., public prosecutor of Almaly region explained: “Implementation of “flash mobs” actions provides public expression in any form of participants’ opinions in different questions that is to say practically – a demonstration. Under such circumstances, the organizations of flash mobs are adjusted by the law «On order of organizations and undertaking peaceful mass-meetings, processions, picket lines and demonstrations in Republic of Kazakhstan» and provide presence of the permit from local executive organ on their undertaking”.