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Several NGO can be closed in case of tax claims



Discussion club “Politon” can be closed. The bank counts are arrested, the financing is suspended. After fiscal checking on the “Politon” had hung the social taxes for several years – ostensibly had to, but did not pay. This has caused the perplexity beside Sergei Duvanov: club is nongovernmental organization, exists on grants of National Endowment for democracy (NED) in the USA and on the international legislation immune from taxes.


Sergei Duvanov, the leader of Discussion club “Politon”: “All this happenings is an elementary quick visit on political bases. I consider they simply do not like with what concerns our organization. Their claims to nongovernmental organization – is a trend”, – considers Sergei Duvanov.


In Semei under fiscal pressing had got the public association “The house”. In 2006 the NED fund had selected this NGO for 45 thousand dollars as a grant on creation of independent press-club. The one third of the amount tattlers hurried to write for them in asset, hanging on organization 15 thousand dollars of no paid corporative taxes. The court assessed arrest to office of the public association and office appliances.


Maira Abenova, the leader of press-club “Soz”: “There was organized an economical examination by experts. This is the serious structure, which had drawn a conclusion that this is a grant that this is not laid by corporative taxes”.


In tax committee referred on Kazakhstan legislation: government is approved special list of grantors, also International and Kazakhstan organizations which had fallen into this list, can calculate that their grants will be dispensed from any taxes, for other there are general rules of the taxation.


Kuanysh Muhametkaliyev, Deputy Taxation committee of the city Semei: “There is no name of grantor – NED – is not given in this list, and accordingly, the subjects chosen by this fund have to pay taxes”.


On this scenario of the claim are presented to the Kazakhstan International bureau for human rights. In governmental list are absent immediately two organizations financing this NGO – the same fund NED and Freedom House.


– Existing list disagrees to the international legislation, – considers Evgeniy Zhovtis, the director of the Bureau. – It was created only to divide the donors on desirable and undesirable. Usually nobody make such kind of list forms. Usually act quite on-other. You define three belongings: is this organization is getting free help – from border or inwardly country; nonprofit – that is to say it is not created for commercial integer; the second – does it realize  only nonprofit purposes within the framework of theirs objectives and problems, and the third – if it’s not discordant to the Constitution and acting legislation. That’s all you have to define.


In discussion club “Politon” were discussed the most burning questions and here in disputes were found answers to them. There pulled scientists, politicians, journalists – thinking part of society. And today, on background of the reinforcement to social tension “Politon” presents for the authorities the threat, Duvanov is certain.


Sergei Duvanov, the discussion club “Politon”’s leader: “In present condition, when society feels the certain problems caused by economic crisis, when social tension increases, dangerous role – by the part of oppositions, by the part of determined leaders and NGO, which can show the activity  as our officials consider, masses. The authorities had declared the war for dissident”, – Duvanov declares.


The head of the state Nursultan Nazarbaev had already given the rebuff for political opponent. On extended meeting agency political council parties “Nur Otan” had named requirements of different parties “politicking” and had entrusted to his party comrades to respond to such statements in hard arms.


Nursultan Nazarbaev, the president of Kazakhstan: “The members of party “Nur Otan” have to expose actively that politician who is going to sow the discord in society. It is necessary to polemize with people who distrusts in possibility of our country’s struggling through all difficulties.


On the reinforcement background by the negative mood of Kazakh people Chairmanship in the OSCE can become more problematic, the politologist Ustina Markus belongs. There is too much rubbish in our country which is very easy to stand from Kazakhstan “thrash”. And nongovernmental organizations can do it.


The authorities exert pressure not only on Kazakhstan’s NGO, but also on foreign grantors, explains Rozlana Taukina. Created by her the fund “Journalists in trouble” has been working for three years at goal enthusiasm. Supporting not invited NGO, donors risk flying from notorious governmental list of grantors.


The economic crisis has reminded the authority about “velvet revolution”, several years back passed in row of post-Soviet countries. It’s known that big importance role had played foreign nongovernmental organizations. As far back as in 2005 year, on the eve choice, the president Nazarbaev from high tribunes threatened to the NGO.


Nursultan Nazarbaev, the President of Kazakhstan: “I warn you: we will not allow you to breach the laws about choice, Constitution and the other laws of Kazakhstan from the part of any International and Internal NGO”.


After all there was started scale checking of the most active NGO in Kazakhstan. They were drawn fines, checking complicated the work. Evgeniy Zhovtis had passed through it too.


Evgeniy Zhovtis ,the director of KIBHR: “This kind of massaged attack on our organization from the part of special services, tax services and public prosecutor’s offices, scale check semi-annual and etc. So, I could say with conviction that this is the orchestrated political attack”.


Evgeniy Zhovtis doesn’t hurry to politicize the present approach tattler on NGO. Experienced lawyer considers that tax manager’s claims are not serious. In all three events is listed one grantor – NED, legally pertaining to state department, so it signifies that grants go on the USA Government’s lines. Therefore, they are released from any taxes.


Evgeniy Zhovtis, the director of KIBHR: “I will not politicize this situation before the consideration’s completion in Almaty city tax committee. If they under these concretely reinforced proofs, which we had presented, they will not comply with our arguments and will move on, we will go accordingly further – we will have to apply to appellate department in Finance Ministry, afterwards in court. After I will confirm that this deal is politicized”.


Sergei Duvanov is sure in the groundlessness of tax claims. The leader of “Politon” expects that authorities want under the pressure on the third sector although for time want to grab society’s attention from economic problems. Nongovernmental organizations will feel the pressure as much as management’s of the country is pleased.






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