23.09.2022 - Lack of accountability for ‘’Bloody January’’ events & persecution of critics undermine pledged modernisation
KIBHR Statements
Charges Paint Zhanbolat Mamai as responsible for Bloody January
Kazakhstan: Policemen convicted over Bloody January torture cases
Additional Punishment for Those Convicted for “Religion-related” Offences in Kazakhstan
Attacks on Journalists Continue
“New Kazakhstan”, Same Attacks on Journalists
Second Activist Detained for Performance Art
“YOU HAVE NO RIGHTS”: Sabri al-Qurashi Has Lived Without Legal Status in Kazakhstan Since His 2014 Guantánamo Release
Charges Against Detained Activist Zhanbolat Mamai Changed
Kazakh Authorities Close, Classify Case Of Killing 4-Year-Old Child During Unrest
Statement Regarding the Detention of a Child with his Father by Police
A Nation in Agony: How Is It
Victory at all costs
Statement on the arrest and trial of NSC officers on January events
Buryat journalist detained in Kazakhstan in case of ‘false information’ about Russian army
Kazakh opposition politician released under house arrest after mounting international pressure