23.09.2022 - Lack of accountability for ‘’Bloody January’’ events & persecution of critics undermine pledged modernisation
KIBHR Statements
Refugee Data Privacy at Risk in Kazakhstan – KIBHR Karaganda Branch
Members of the Majilis, the Parliament of Kazakhstan, propose to criminalise LGBT propaganda.
Ongoing Crackdown: Rinat Utambetov Latest Karakalpak Victim of Uzbek Authorities in Kazakhstan
Experts of the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Commend Kazakhstan on its Commitment to Produce a Text on Disability Rights, Ask about Persons with Disabilities...
Under Threat: The Life of Karakalpaks in Kazakhstan
Unlawful Arrest, Beating, and Detention of Political Activists Continue
Caught in a Web of Injustice: Karakalpak Activist Arrested in Kazakhstan Highlights Ongoing Human Rights Concerns
An activist who supported Marat Zhylanbayev was fined in East Kazakhstan
Kazakh caritative fund for Ukraine liquidated by Court order
Uzbekistan’s crackdown on Karakalpak activists goes on
Kazakhstan: Harsh sentence for opposition party leader shows lack of real political modernisation
Activists targeted by Uzbekistan face ‘torture’ if deported from Kazakhstan
Italian teenager abused and detained by Kazakhstani police
A year and a half of restricted freedom over Facebook posts critical of the government
Kazakhstan: Government Critic on Trial for ’Extremism’