23.09.2022 - Lack of accountability for ‘’Bloody January’’ events & persecution of critics undermine pledged modernisation
Tag: Nota bene
Astana’s Half-Truths and Serious Doubts of UN Experts
Crackdown on dissent over nuclear power plant, controversial media accreditation rules, and anti-‘’LGBTQI+ propaganda’’ measures
Global report documents erosion of civil society space in Central Asia
“YOU HAVE NO RIGHTS”: Sabri al-Qurashi Has Lived Without Legal Status in Kazakhstan Since His 2014 Guantánamo Release
Speech at an event related to the January 2022 events
Kazakhstan added to human rights watchlist following mass detentions, acts of torture and restrictions after ‘Bloody January’ events
NGOs urge the EU to insist on more space for criticism in Central Asia, document key trends ahead of meeting
Wave of political repression: witch hunts for activists, marred elections and scores of arrests
Human rights impact assessment of the COVID-19 response in Kazakhstan
The Toll of COVID-19 on Human Rights: Selected Countries and Territories Worldwide
Kazakhstan: Cease undue pressure on young civic activist Beybarys Tolymbekov
Europe-Kazakhstan. € 250 million for development
New NGO report documents alarming trends
EU defends Kazakh leader on human rights