23.09.2022 - Lack of accountability for ‘’Bloody January’’ events & persecution of critics undermine pledged modernisation
Own information
EU: Raise free speech and torture cases with Kazakhstan
Assessing Compliance of Legislation of the RK on Freedom of Conscience and Religion (Belief) with International Standards
Statement on the prosecution of civil activists Yermek Narymbayev and Serikzhan Mambetalin
Right of defence #3
Central Asia: US Secretary of State should speak up in support of region’s hard-pressed civil society during visit
Torture in Central Asia
The situation of civil society in Central Asia: Key concerns and recommendations
Kazakhstan: Human rights groups and former UN Special Rapporteur meet authorities in Astana and urge to end torture
Statement on the adoption of the Law on NGO
Kazakh authorities keep on increasing pressure on civil society activists and independent media against the backdrop of an economic downturn
A matter of regional concern: Shrinking civil society space in Central Asia
Spotlight: Fundamental rights in Central Asia
Kazakhstan: Open letter to Prosecutor General Askhat Daulbaev on violations of lawyer’s rights in Kostanay
Right of defence #2
Bulletin “Freedom from torture”, issue 4