23.09.2022 - Lack of accountability for ‘’Bloody January’’ events & persecution of critics undermine pledged modernisation
Own information
Statement of the human rights organizations of Kazakhstan about establishment of alternative public monitoring board (PMB) in Kostanai oblast
Kazakhstan: Open letter on the case of Vladislav Chelah
Kazakhstan Bureau for human rights has released a new report on freedom of peaceful assembly
Five Year Anniversary of EU Central Asia Strategy: Placing Human Rights at the Heart of EU Action
Appeal to the international community: Tell Kazakhstani authorities not to repress peaceful protests,
Statement on the right to a fair trial for oil industry workers from Zhanaozen
Kazakhstan: Ensure accountability for attack, protect journalists
Appeal to the EU: Use new cooperation agreement to push for follow-through on Kazakhstan’s human rights promises
Fundamental freedoms under serious threat in Central Asia
Eugeniy Zhovtis has been released from settlement colony
Eugeniy Zhovtis is released for amnesty
Statement regarding arrests of Alga People’s Party and People’s Front activists
Peaceful assemblies in Kazakhstan: June 2011 – December 2011
Human rights organizations of Kazakhstan express their deep concern over the 16 December unrest in Zhanaozen and Mangistau oblast
Central Asia: Censorship and Control of the Internet and Other New Media (summary)