23.09.2022 - Lack of accountability for ‘’Bloody January’’ events & persecution of critics undermine pledged modernisation
Own information
Kazakhstan is among the countries where no respect to law
Evaluation of events in outgoing 2012
EU High Representative fails to denounce rights violations in Central Asia
Solicitors International Human Rights Group has published a report on trial of Vladimir Kozlov, Seryck Sapargali and Akzhanat Aminov
Statement on Prosecutor General office’s initiative to shut down independent media
Statement on the Court of Appeal against Vladimir Kozlov, leader of Alga party
Kazakhstani NGOs have prepared and submitted their comments to the recommendations made to Kazakhstan in the framework of the Universal Periodic Review
Stifling internet freedoms and dissent in Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan
Reports of Civic Solidarity Platform’s mission to contradict the statements of Astana
“Beginning of 21 century sees a crisis of human rights concept”, Keynote address to the World Movement for Democracy’s Seventh Assembly
Statement on conviction of “Alga!” unregistered party leader Vladimir Kozlov
Court case against opposition continues
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