23.09.2022 - Lack of accountability for ‘’Bloody January’’ events & persecution of critics undermine pledged modernisation
Own information
The first joint Bulletin of the Central Asian NGO Coalition Against Torture has released
EU-Kazakhstan human rights talks: Key concerns
Context and dynamics of human rights situation in central asia: evolution or degradation and what is next?
The protection of fundamental rights in Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan. Update on developments in early July-early October 2014
An overview of positive developments and ongoing concerns regarding torture and other ill-treatment in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan
Joint statement
Kazakhstan International Bureau for Human Rights have filed a lawsuit to implement Resolution by the UN Committee against Torture
Kazakhstan: report on trials monitoring in April – June 2014
Anti-torture and other human rights groups vulnerable in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan
Protection of fundamental rights in Central Asia: Update on developments in April-June 2014
Local and international civil society organizations call on Central Asian states to end torture and impunity
Civil society appeal to veto the new Criminal and Criminal Procedure Codes, as well as the new Code on Administrative offences adopted by the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Joint recommendations on improving efforts to eradicate torture in Central Asia
Statement on impairment of human rights present in the draft Codes of the Republic of Kazakhstan
New project launched in support of fundamental rights in Central Asia