Ruslan Halidov, the representative of the KIBHR on Jambul area, informed on Tuesday in the 14th of April that on Friday in the 10th of April was instituted expected legal proceeding, which information promises to be tight-fisted and nothing at all. Now we have to notice the three day delay of the primary information’s arrival about the institution of this legal proceeding.
The trial began in locked regime with respect to the journalist Ramazan Esergepov, businessman Sultan Mahmadov, the former police officer Erlan Sandybaev and the former employee of the Department of National security committee (DNSC) on Jambul area, whose surname is not divulged. Also the surnames of the judges of the proceeding, public prosecutor and even lawyers are unknown.
Let’s remind that the DNSC of Jambul area brought the accusations up against Mr.Mahmadov – Taraz “vodka king” and against Mr.Sandybaev, the head of the Secret service on Jambul area, in financial violations; and against Mr.Esergepov, the journalist from Almaty, accusation in divulging the state secrets. Last year on November he has published an article to Mahmadov defense in “Alma-Ata Info” newspaper, where the application was reproduced by two official notes of DNSC leaders, who expose the Jambul gebits in unattractive position. They, without any refusing of these documents’ authenticity, accused Mr.Esergepov in divulging the state secrets by the Mahmadov’s order. The journalist was arrested on January
In the opinion of advocates, the documents which were published by Esergepov are not subjected to the restriction, because it is concern the breach of the rights and citizens’ liberty. The journalist lawfully considered these contents significant for public and worthy for publication. Accusations by the DNSC side in paying of sensational publication are completely groundless, because Esergepov was not government official and the private newspaper “Alma-Ata Info” was not state mass media (its owner and editor is Mr.Esergepov).
The Kazakhstan public fund “Journalists in trouble”, where Esergepov is one of the head members, International foundation for freedom of speech protection “Adil soz”, foreign journalist organizations and also our Bureau stood up in support of Mr.Esergepov’s rights. About all further vicissitudes of lawsuit, which was begun in Taraz an unlawfully secret process, and which will be able to seep from the “iron curtain”, we will report in our internet-site.