23.09.2022 - Lack of accountability for ‘’Bloody January’’ events & persecution of critics undermine pledged modernisation
Other sources
Government «did the right thing» in allowing wanted Uzbek pastor to leave
Representative of Kazakhstan visited 29 Uzbek refugees in prison of Uzbekistan
The EP resolution on Kazakhstan
Central Asia: Ashton should urge release of activists
Upcoming court hearings against detained human rights defender Mr Vadim Kuramshin
Kazakhstan: EU should act on resolution
Kazakhstan moves to shut down independent media
Main independent national media threatened with closure
Kazakhstan must not muzzle media outlets
Kazakhstan: Sought extremism bans threaten to eliminate political pluralism
US referred to our parallel event in Dublin and called for active engagement with civil society there.
Kazakhstan: “The Church will be closed down anyway”
Renowned human rights defender was arrested again
Assassination of a witness of the Zhanaozen events
Paul Murphy MEP-led delegation obstructed