23.09.2022 - Lack of accountability for ‘’Bloody January’’ events & persecution of critics undermine pledged modernisation
Other sources
Kozlov case file: Final monitoring report on the trial of Vladimir Kozlov, Akzhanat Aminov, and Serik Sapargali
Realizing Children’s Rights in Kazakhstan
Demand medical care for disabled prisoner: Zhasulan Suleimenov
One Year after Zhanaozen
Mosques and churches forcibly closed
Statement on Kazakhstan
The monitoring of the socio-political situation in Kazakhstan
HRF calls on President Nazarbayev to investigate torture, release opposition leader, and cease assault on independent media
Ongoing crackdown on criticism and the muzzling of independent media
Criminal prosecution of Askar Moldashev
Vladislav Chelakh found guilty of murdering 15 people and sentenced to life in prison
Kazakhstan: prison sentence against civil society activist reinforces concerns about growing crackdown on free speech
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