In the evening of 5th December, past Saturday I had a call from one woman. By her words, in feminine colony LA-155/4 which is separated on Almatinskyi area in the Zhaugashty village, 30 convicted women had exposure bellies themselves.
– My relative is in this colony – cried she through the phone. – We need your help. I was informed that for about 11 women are closed in some premises. They are crying and screaming.
In the 6th of December, on Saturday I was trying to get through to the leader of the colony and to the women by phone. But there were no one answers. And only yesterday we got through to Dina, who is serving her punishment in this colony.
– Dina what was happened?
– You know, now it is nothing to say……. Police speak that were revolting due to the heroin: ostensibly they are requiring the narcotics. Now they are all overacting.
– Is it true that 30 women had exposure theirs bellies?
– Yes, now they are in SI-18 and SI-1…
In these words our communication was broken after it the mobile of Dina was out of reach.
Meantime, from the Committee department of criminal executive system (CDCES) on Almaty and Almatinskyi area to the reduction were sent a press release.
Here is literal text:
“In the 2009.12.05 at 6 p.m. in LA-155/4 institution groups of convicted with negative behavior and consisting in the reporting system, whose tendency is to use narcotic materials, had inflicted cut wounds in the field of forearm, requiring from administration medical narcotic preparations, – is spoken in a message. Management and the personal composition of the CDCES, employees of the regional specialized department, representatives of the public observant commission on monitoring for observance of convicted rights in penitentiary institutions, employees from the DIA operative group on Almatinskyi area came to the place of event. After undertaking an explanatory conversation convicted realized illegality of their own actions and abandoned from intentions. To all of them was rendered medical help. Inflicted by them wounds were shown surface and not dangerous for health”.
Apropos, by the information of the Irina Yakupova – deputy director of the CDCES on Almatinskiyi area, only 28 women had inflicted themselves, not 30.
– No one had exposure bellies, – she spoke. – Women had only cut their skin on their hands. There is nothing serious.
Also we had managed that they all are “rioters” – from the list who had already added. The majority of them are sentenced under the article 259 by RK Criminal Code (illegal acquisition, keeping and marketing of narcotic facilities).
Newspaper “Vremya”