23.09.2022 - Lack of accountability for ‘’Bloody January’’ events & persecution of critics undermine pledged modernisation
Kazakhstan: End Campaign against Human Rights NGOs
NGOs to Biden: support access to justice for all by rescinding Trump-era executive order impeding ICC’s work (open letter)
Government’s war on NGOs claims more victims
Hong Kong: Asian civil society in solidarity with Hong Kong’s pro-democracy movement (Joint Statement)
Call on the European Parliament not to ratify the Comprehensive Agreement on Investment with the People’s Republic of China without including human rights commitments
Civic Solidarity Platform calls for the release of Andrei Aliaksandrau (Statement)
Far from free and fair – An overview of violations of fundamental freedoms during the January 2021 parliamentary elections in Kazakhstan
Request on Cuba, to the UN High Commissioner for human rights (Open Letter)
Agenda for international support of a human rights and democracy transition in Belarus (Civil society recommendations to the international community)
Statement of independent civil society organizations and human rights organizations of Kazakhstan
Freedom for Republic of the Congo (Statement)
The OSCE Moscow Mechanism report in respect of Belarus: The international community should undertake effective and coordinated actions to implement its recommendations (Statement)
US government should abide by its OSCE commitments to hold free and fair elections in the days leading up to, on, and immediately following elections on November 3, 2020, and ensure...
Nagorno-Karabakh: FIDH Calls for Respect of Ceasefire, Denounces Use of Mercenaries (Press-Release)
Emergency Triggered Witch-Hunting