23.09.2022 - Lack of accountability for ‘’Bloody January’’ events & persecution of critics undermine pledged modernisation
U.S. racism and police violence and the human dimension heritage of the OSCE (Statement)
Appeal in connection with police raids on affected villages in Korday district
Belarus: Crackdown on Peaceful Protesters Marks Beginning of Presidential Campaign Season
Kazakhstan: disproportionate restrictions on freedom of expression, freedom of speech, access to information in a state of emergency
Do not pass poorly prepared law on public protest while country in covid-19 lockdown
The Kazakhstan authorities must stop using a state of emergency as an excuse to prosecute its critics and opponents (Statement)
Call to Release Pre-Trial Detainees in Turkey
NGOs call for improved protection of women at risk of domestic violence during the COVID-19 crisis (Open Letter)
Civil Society Organizations Calls for Immediate Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict in Myanmar
Combatting coronavirus threat in detention facilities of the Republic of Kazakhstan: revisiting the implementation of UN recommendations (Appeal)
COVID-19: Jailed Human Rights Defenders Must Be Released Immediately (Statement)
One answer to all questions
Corona Should Not Be Used to Restrict Human Rights: Clear End Date and Oversight Essential for Emergency Powers in Hungary (Statement)
Malaysia: Promote human rights amidst political upheaval (Statement)
Constitutional Coup in Russia :Putin’s Move to Devalue International Human Rights Treaties Could Set Dangerous Global Precedent (Press-Release)