23.09.2022 - Lack of accountability for ‘’Bloody January’’ events & persecution of critics undermine pledged modernisation
The Republic of Kazakhstan’s official documents
Threats to civic space in Kazakhstan: Briefing ahead of EU dialogue
Crackdown on dissent over nuclear power plant, controversial media accreditation rules, and anti-‘’LGBTQI+ propaganda’’ measures
Crackdown on civic freedoms in Central Asia: NGOs highlight alarming trends
2023 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices: Kazakhstan
Kazakhstan: Joint NGO report for Universal Periodic Review highlights civic space concerns
Transnational repression against Barlyk Mendygaziyev
Flood Coverage Restrictions, Women’s Rights Rally Ban, and Legal Cases Against Activists
Key issues for the EU’s Human Rights Dialogue with Kazakhstan
Crackdown on the opposition, fight against “false” information and publication of “foreign agent” list
No real space for opposition activities in ‘’New Kazakhstan’’
Kazakhstan: Torture goes unpunished
Summary of Report: Duty to Rehabilitate Assessing Reparations of Former Political Prisoners in Kazakhstan
Widespread impunity for ‘Bloody January’ violations, pressure on media and targeting of activists
EU-Kazakhstan Human Rights Dialogue: NGO priorities