23.09.2022 - Lack of accountability for ‘’Bloody January’’ events & persecution of critics undermine pledged modernisation
Freedom of assembly in Kazakhstan: June 2011-December 2011
Response to the Kazakhstan Permanent Representative Ambassador Abdrakhmanov on Events in Zhanaozen, Kazakhstan
Kazakhstan: Clashes should be independently investigated; underlying conflicts solved peacefully
Kazakhstan: Two decades of independence has not benefited free speech
Kazakhstan Unrest: The Authorities Should Ensure a Thorough and Impartial Investigation, Uphold Human Rights
Central Asia: Censorship and Control of the Internet and Other New Media
Repression of Labor Protests in Kazakhstan
Statement by Ambassador Kairat Abdrakhmanov at the 878th Permanent Council meeting
EU statement on the rule of law and human rights issues in Kazakhstan
Statement on the Imprisonment of Natalya Sokolova, the Blocking of Websites and the Transfer of Prison Authority in Kazakhstan
Kazakhstan: Criminal Trial of Labor Lawyer. Prosecution Incompatible with International Rights Law
Nations in transit 2011: Kazakhstan
Uighur teacher extradited to China on politically motivated ‘terror’ charges
Kazakhstan: Ethnic uzbeks at risk of torture if returned
Annual report 2011: Kazakhstan