23.09.2022 - Lack of accountability for ‘’Bloody January’’ events & persecution of critics undermine pledged modernisation
International reports on Kazakhstan
Central Asia: Widespread Rights Abuse, Repression
World Report 2013: Kazakhstan
2013 Annual report on global trends for human rights defenders
Kozlov case file: Final monitoring report on the trial of Vladimir Kozlov, Akzhanat Aminov, and Serik Sapargali
Freedom in the World 2013: Winners and Losers
Realizing Children’s Rights in Kazakhstan
The monitoring of the socio-political situation in Kazakhstan
European Parliament resolution on Kazakhstan of 22 November 2012
Trial observation report: The Republic of Kazakhstan v.Vladimir Kozlov, Seryck Sapargali and Akzhanat Aminov
Report on the Zhanaozen Oil Workers’ Trial
Preliminary report on the trial of Vladimir Kozlov, Serik Sapargali and Akzhanat Aminov
2012 Annual Report: The state of the world’s human rights (Kazakhstan)
Shanghai Cooperation Organisation: a vehicle for human rights violations
National human rights action plan of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2009-2012
Democracy and human rights progress in Kazakhstan at home and abroad