23.09.2022 - Lack of accountability for ‘’Bloody January’’ events & persecution of critics undermine pledged modernisation
Your punishment shall equal your faith (a review of the Forum 18 materials)
Yevgeniy Zhovtis: «Democracy, the rule of law and human rights have four “enemies”»
Speech at an event related to the January 2022 events
International Anti-Torture Day: Kazakhstan must ensure justice for the victims of torture during the January 2022 events
Ongoing concerns about lack of impartial investigations into “Bloody January’’ events
Kazakhstan: Drop trumped-up charges, release opposition leader
Information brief on the situation with the right to the freedom from torture as a result of the events in Kazakhstan in early January 2022
Kazakhstan: Civic space limited by continued fallout from January 2022 events
2021 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices: Kazakhstan
Kazakhstan: torture victims struggling to obtain justice after the January 2022 events
Information note on Kazakhstan NGO Coalition against Torture as of 11 March 2022 with the right to freedom from torture as a result of the January events in Kazakhstan
Kazakhstan added to human rights watchlist following mass detentions, acts of torture and restrictions after ‘Bloody January’ events
Information note on the situation with the right to the freedom from torture as a result of the events in Kazakhstan in early January 2022
Kazakhstan: Killings, Excessive Use of Force in Almaty
Resolution on the situation in Kazakhstan