In Semei city for the first time one of policemen was called to criminal responsibility for tortures.
Serikzhan Zhelybaev, who is 24-years old, representative of the criminal police branch of Auezov police station, obtaining confessions of the blame in completion of the thefts from delayed, moved from words to deal. First of all he beat the suspected by fists, afterwards booted between legs, at the end put in action metallic pipe! When relatives of the damaged applied to Auezov district division of the police with complaint to their employee, they refused to take the statement and give the direction to expert operation. It manages to obtain only after the interference of the public prosecutor’s office and National security committee. In total the court estimated the methods of Zhelybaev questioning as the tortures, had convicted him for two years of the deprivation of the liberty.
– Earlier our police members went on trial, who forced delayed to confession of the nonexistent blame, – speaks Saniya Toleubaeva, chief of the department on control for legality in state organs of Semei public prosecutor’s office. – But previously court classified their actions as excess of their official authority.
Newspaper “Vremya”