In fact of publication of book “Godfather- in-law” by Rahat Aliyev, ex-ambassador in Austria, General public prosecutor’s office of RK instituted criminal proceeding by article 143, p. 2 of RK CC: “illegal breach of the secret of correspondence, telephone negotiations, postal, telegraph or other messages, made by person with use of his official position or special technical facilities, intended for secret reception of information”. Bagban Taimbetov deputy of the public prosecutor in Almaty confirmed this information to the correspondent of KazTAG.
“Now this book is by way of material evidence”, – has elaborated he. However, he didn’t answer to the question if anyone from public prosecutors office had written this book by Rahat Aliyev, B. Taimbetov answered: “No, nobody read it”.
Herewith he confirmed that these days to the public prosecutor’s office of Almaty were summoned main editors in chief of Kazakhstan weekly newspapers “Republic – business review” and “Vision”.
“We explained them law, that in fact of book’s publishing by Rahat Aliyev was instituted criminal proceeding” – explained B. Taimbetov.
Meantime, by information of informational-analytical portal “Republic” became known that for publication in Kazakhstan publishing the information from book is provided criminal responsibility.
“Book is a subject of criminal deal”, – quotes the document “Republic” portal. “General public prosecutor’s office warns that for spreading of information from this book to criminal responsibility will be attracted both physical and juridical persons.
To the question by editor in chief, is it possible to write about book’s appearance in the light, deputy of public prosecutor answered that, “informational message – is nothing, but the publication of information from book is prohibited”, – explains publishing.
B. Taimbetov also tried to notarize editors, that actions of the general public prosecutor’s office are not connected with jamming freedom of speech, they only ensure an enforce of criminal-processing codex.
KazTAG Information agency