Serik Mukanov, an assistant of Almaty region’s mayor has required freeing till 1st of March,the land where the Society is found at this moment. He emphasized that in case of non-execution of this requirement they will institute proceedings against the Society of Krishna’s consciousness.
On February 14th of 2009 S. Mukanov has personally visited the Society of Krishna’s consciousness in Karasay region. He required from management of the Society to sign the document that they are agree to move to the area which was chosen in
In spite of all multiple addresses, the Society of Krishna’s consciousness hasn’t been offered any alternative. The Kazakh authorities declare that there is no other land in the
The Society of Krishna’s consciousness exuded that the offer by Mukanov is unacceptable. Then he put the ultimatum of freeing the land in Karasay region before 1st March of 2009.
The last lawsuit against the Society of Krishna’s consciousnesses lasted since the 28th of October till 1st of December 2008. The authorities of
Together with that by the court was installed that constructions of the Society of Krishna’s consciousness were built and put into effect on legal bases. On the 1st December in 2008 Kazakh authorities has called back theirs suit to the Society of Krishna’s consciousness.
Thereupon S. Mukanov offered the Society to find the suitable area in the
On December 2008 and on January 2009 the management of the Society of Krishna’s consciousness founded 3 approaching areas in
However, in 2009 on January 19th, in spite of previous agreement, Kazakh authorities refused to help in exchanging. The officials emphasized that rubbish scramble is already chosen area to the Society and is a single alternative.
The persecutions against the Society of Krishna’s consciousness have been continuing for 4 years. The Kazakh authorities had destroyed 26 houses of the followers and had withdrawn in spare state for about
The Society of Krishna’s consciousness in Kazakhstan