The group of Uzbek refugees-Muslim people residing in Almaty has directed an address to the human rights organizations in connection with recent incident about Boltaev Ahmad Olimovich from Uzbekistan who was supplying for refuge.
According to the information, provided in this document, in the 2nd June 2009 beside 03:00 a.m. employees of National security committee NSC Department in Almaty had delayed Boltaev in “baraholka” (ware market), brought to the building of the department in manacles and subjected to questioning, having shown a document about that Uzbekistan declared him to interstate search under 4 articles of Penal code of RU, including article159 (an encroachment to constitutional formation), 216 (the organization of forbidden religious association), 242 (the organization of criminal community) and etc. Boltaev reported to quizzing that he is a suppliant sanctum, presented the certificate, issued by representation of UNHCR, however he wasn’t allowed to ring to his wife or to the representation of UNHCR. As a confirmed author of address in the course of questioning Boltaev was subjected to the beating, he was threatened using tortures and handing over to Uzbekistan. Beside 11:00 p.m. employees of NSC brought him to the district police station, where he unlawfully was arrested under guard on the base of request from Uzbekistan (other two police stations refused to take Boltaev). Next day he was delivered to the receiver-distributor on Begalin Street together with several delayed people. On the road he was able to call to his wife. In the evening in the 4th of June 2009 under the auspices of UNHCR employees Boltaev was rescued, however documents, money and two cellular telephones withdrawn at detention haven’t returned to the owner.
By the information of R“Memorial”, Boltaev Ahmad – a native from Surhandar’inskii area, who was born in 1968 was arrested and sentenced in Uzbekistan in 2000 by religious motives for 20 years of the deprivation of liberty, was subjected to the cruel torture, and on December 2003 was rescued on amnesties. On March 2009 he applied to the representation of UNHCR in Almaty with solicitation about granting sanctum.
It is not excluded that incident with Boltaev is connected with the increasing of special service‘s activity after events of 25th-26th May in Andijan area in Uzbekistan.
We are afraid that they will use this incident and agree with Kazakhstan colleagues“, – is spoken in address to human rights defenders 24 Uzbek refugees.
In case of returning to Uzbekistan refugees are threatened to the tortures and put in prison for long period on trumped-up charges in “Islam extremism”.
RC “Memorial”