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  • A mystery of “Decaborane”: condemnation of spies looks like a farce

A mystery of “Decaborane”: condemnation of spies looks like a farce



Kazakhstan National security committee – NSC has played a drama in Kafka’s manner, where events were so absurd that the verge between the reality and delirium disappears and methods of trial conduct abandon with breaches that court remains only to close their eyes and do the type that all is within the framework of law.


On the locked process of East-Kazakhstan regional court which was last year in August were sentenced for long period of the conclusion a Chinese spy Auhan and two his Kazakhstan co-workers – Mr. Abdraimov and Mr. Kolesnikov.


Standpoint of investigation


At the beginning let’s bring the version of the court, which practically has no difference with accusation.


“In the end of 1997 and in the beginning of 1998 Auhan was recruited in China to the spy network apparatus of foreign special service. The Ministry of state security (MSS) of China where he was given to spy tasks on gaining the information of the reconnaissance nature in republic of Kazakhstan under the protection of commercial trade-intermediary activity . . .


“Firstly Auhan collected an information about the situation of Uigur diasporas in Kazakhstan and in moods to as called “Uigur problem” in China and to Uigur separatists …this is allowed MSS  to control and to correct the operative situation in given public ambience, that did harm to the external safety and sovereignty to the republic of Kazakhstan”.


Then the MSS of China gave a new task to Auhan in 2001 – “to get the chemical material which is used in cosmic and defense sphere as the oxide of missile fuel and which refers to state secrets of Republic of Kazakhstan, also all having secret information about it “. Searching for the component of missile fuel he started in 2001 by the order of Hu Dzhynhe.


Auhan began to search for the materials, having forgotten about other things. “For realization of their own criminal intentions and for performing the secret task by the Chinese secret services, Auhan involved his relatives – Abdraimov, working in Almaty in the Administration of Committee on legal statistics and special accounts of General Department in RK as a public prosecutor, and also as a former officer of Kazakhstan Military forces in rank of the lieutenant-colonel Konstantin Kolesnikov”. Besides it, Auhan alternately got acquainted with five Kazakh people, also passing through this deal subsequently. But, what turned out to be, all five people have direct or mediated attitude to the NSC of RK.


Auhan gave a task for his co-workers “to find the secret oxide of missile fuel”, having explained that “material must be colorless, with no scent, must not froth and be smoked, capable to transform the iron to the powder”. The amounts for got material were offered considerable, commencing from 17 thousand dollars for per kilogram. Truly, we have to note that the set features for searching for supersecret material is not rich, at least once, for full-fledged spy activity. Besides it, the resident made a great mistake – on the whole visibility, he gave the wrong name of the sought component. At least once, in deal it firstly passes as TSU-15. And because this kind of components doesn’t exist in nature, Auhan would search for it for decennial events, if his colleagues from Kazakh secret service didn’t come “to help”.


There is no sense to enumerate all vicissitudes of this long deal. We will say only that by versions of the effect, relative of Auhan – Abdraimov has found the similar “unascertained” material “melanj”, but which does not approach with required parameters. Afterwards, the secret agent “Berik-1” tried to push the same “melanj” too, however, calling on experiments with submersion of the wire and had not getting any results Auhan had refused to take this material.


When it was already clear that an agent can come off (because, by his words, he had already found the requirement in Russia), employees of the NSC under the nick-names, “imitating a criminal behavior”, had obtruded the meeting in Semipalatinsk city with him, where in one of the hotels was the transfer of vessel, but with other “supersecret” material “Decaborane-14”, also unsealed material about its reception and USB-cards with copy of this material. After it, Auhan was delayed and subsequent to him were delayed Abdraimov and Kolesnikov.


“A defendant Auhan confirmed his own evidences at the examination and supplemented them on place. Together with that in the course of preliminary effect at the confrontation with Abdraimov and Kolesnikov, the last indicated that had actively proceeded with searching for the liquids in spite of its secrecy”.


“In the aggregate the actions of Auhan, Abdraimov and Kolesnikov are organized and system espionage in favor of China and are classified as hostile, constituting a menace to national security and sovereignty to the Republic of Kazakhstan” – settled the court and fixed the punishment: deprivation of liberty, Auhan for 14 years, Abdraimov and Kolesnikov both for 11 years and all with forfeiture property.


So, the perennial and multipartite operation was terminated like this. But the most amazing in this story is that they (by the versions of NSC and the court!) during the 7 years were searching for the things, which they can find it in several days and absolutely legally, but not how Chinese spies work on territory of Kazakhstan.


Version of Auhan


“I don’t believe in Kazakhstan court, which does not want to understand the essences of the deal, looks at the destiny of the person superficially, doesn’t pay any attention to the accusations, which are brought forth against me, and have not found their own proof. Thereby, I consider that court has convicted me on base of the fictitious accusations. And because the court was unjust, pitiless in respect of me, I refuse to acknowledge the decision of court. The court made a decision only on the grounds of provocations, made by NSC,” – Auhan writes in his statement to the President of Kazakhstan, public prosecutor’s office and to human rights protectors.


As how a “Chinese spy” himself describes in his complaint, “NSC falsified three video-records, but their provocation was revealed on court and now NSC does not know that to do further”. By the version of Auhan, on January 14 in 2008 during the arrest the employees of Committee expected that Chinese person can abandon from “goods” again, so the group invaded to the hotel number so rapidly that “from their slowness” a  thermos with “Decaborane-14″ fell to the ground, and the documents rested on the sofa”.


“They covered me to the land immediately, twisted my hand for back and parcels of land manacles. Then they called one person and said him something to the ear in whisper. Then they rose from the flap thermos and placed it on the table, and documents taken from the sofa put them in package. I was put on legs too, and they put this package to my hands, which were twisted back and were in manacles. The most disgraceful: employees of NSC oppressively put to my hands the package with the documents. How did they do it was recorded in the video…”, – continues the description Auhan.


How the winnowed questioning of supposed agent was – is a separate talk. In the complaint of Abdraimov was also noted that “Auhan repeatedly declared both on effect and in court that he was subjected to the physical and psychological violence. He repeatedly spoke that during the questioning they had broken him his hand, over punched the bosom, after the blow by fist to the ear he does not hear, he asked to hold a judicial-medical expert operation, however both effect and court had ignored the given solicitation of Auhan .”


“They beat, booted, wrested the hairs, and turned my ears. They had broken one hand, one finger, all body in black-and-blue. But once they even beat me cruelly for telephone number. Also they made me to write and draw initials and schemes of the functioning of the Chinese exploring. Even, there were such questions, which break the Shanghai agreement, which, apropos, has signed President of republic of Kazakhstan too”, – writes Auhan.



During the court he declared that knows the surnames of the cellmate and physician, which, were terrified by his conditions. However public prosecutor gave the references that in investigation insulator, where Auhan was kept, were not any complaints on health. In answer Auhan unbuttoned the shirt and demonstrated in courtroom of the scratch his straights and hematomas, and asked the court to conduct the expert operation in case of his broken hand. The court pretended that didn’t hear anything.


It doesn’t cause any surprises that delayed could be beaten – a Kazakh society already got accustomed that power structure can dislodge the necessary evidences. However, in this instance we consider an iron rule – “if person is beaten literately, he confesses in everything” – was supported by other rule. If person does not understand the language – in the document is possible to write all that is pleased, and, literately apply the rule number one, he will sign it. Maybe the same was happened with the Chinese person. “I said them that I will answer to all questions, when there will be an employee or attorney from Chinese embassy. But they did not consent to this. Hereon I offered them to write answers on Chinese language but they were disagreeing. They offered me to sign the papers, which were written on Kazakh language by Cyrillic’s. But when I said them that I do not understand the written, they said that they will read themselves, and I will only sign it”, – confirms in his statement Auhan. He had no choice, as near by its signature on protocol to add on Chinese: “that is written on Kazakh language, I can’t read, I was read”. Apropos, Kolesnikov also abandoned from all evidences on court, as from given under pressure.


An attorney even so visited delayed. Moreover, the person who was offered by the employees of NSC – in the recent past was a chief of the investigation division of the NSC department in Semipalatinsk. But they didn’t allow hiring an own attorney. And Auhan had signed an agreement in incomprehensible him language with the witness of “committee” attorney.


Abdraimov noted one (from many) rough effect: “Auhan wrote the statement voluntarily – on computer and on Kazakh language” (!!!) His uncle understands the Kazakh speech but doesn’t know the Cyrillic’s – in China for writing Uigur and Kazakh words is used Arabic alphabet.


“Before the court they didn’t give for familiarization the accusatory conclusion. They read me only once, when I was set in camera. I asked the coroner to read me several times to write it on Chinese language but they refused me. I was reported that in court would be a translator, which will translate from Russian to Kazakh language. But the translator was changed three times. Even so the 30% remained incomprehensible”, – notes the Chinese person.


Standpoint of Abdraimov


It was already mentioned that Dilmurat Abdraimov – one of arrested (his nationality is Uigur, Auhan is his uncle), worked in public prosecutor’s office. In comparison with Chinese relative, coroners and judicial workmen he understands the Kazakhstan legislation. However, he can’t do anything with juridical investigation machine.


Abdraimov was accused in his actively promotion in searching for secret material. During the search in his house they had found the slip with formula of the reception of the missile material “melanj” that definitively bolted got proof in his “intentional spy activity”.


“It costs to pertain critically to the fact of the finding in my house the document about physico-technical characteristic, investigation bodies try to prove that this ostensibly that document, which Kolesnikov got from “Berik”, however under detailed consideration of document: the first – withdrawn ostensibly from my building and the second – to video recording, where is distinctly seen that these are different documents (the hat, tonetic sheet)… During the search all my relatives were in one room, which was locked, and employees of NSC were  in other room without witnesses, as gave them possibility to toss me this document (2008, February 16 )”, – writes in  statement to the same addressee as Auhan and D. Abdraimov.


Additionally Abdraimov became a carrier of secret information because one of the NSC agents under the pseudonym “Sergei” has showed him slip with formula of the Decaborane-14 receptions.


“Workmen of NSC offered to Auhan a secret material and asked him to help in marketing, all these actions of NSC workmen are indicative that the deal was forged that disagrees to the law “About operative searching activity”, however  given circumstance wasn’t taken into account by court. The Article 15 of this Law speaks: “bias and provoke the people to completion of the offenses is forbidden that can not be presented as proof of the blame”, – considers the former public prosecutor.


What did mean Abdraimov is seen from his descriptions is whole preceded to the seizure of his Chinese relative.


“Sergei” constantly calls by phone to Kolesnikov and asks for meeting with Auhan. Finally, he started require to introduce him at least with Dilmurat, that’s why Kolesnikov was had to bring “Sergei” to the last. Then “Sergei” showed him the “secret” document but didn’t leave in peace.. Being heard from “Sergei” that he wants to sell the secret document for Chinese, Dilmurat was afraid of possible consequence and said that his uncle is out the country. Here is then-that, Abdraimov became the carrier of the secret information.


As describes Abdraimov, during the first meeting with “Berik-1
 and Auhan, the first tried to convince the Chinese that Decaborane-14 is similar with characteristic of TUSW. Auhan agreed to look at liquid, but completely abandoned from documents – if they will be in China, the Chinese will do the same themselves – he motivated a refusal, reasonable fearing for own business.


But commitment didn’t do anything in Almaty; everything was reached before logical result in Semipalatinsk in 2008, January 14, when Auhan was delivered the secret liquid and documents. As writes Abdraimov, on video recording shown in court was clear that he refuse from the offered liquids and secret document, in spite of notarizing that this is exactly that it is necessary to him. The employee of NSC under pseudonym “Berik – 1” tries to put documents into hands of Chinese, where he refuses, asking: will it bring any harm to Kazakhstan? Additionally, Auhan motivated his refusal by financial reason – if to translate these documents in Chinese language, that will dispense to considerable amount. Then “Ardak” (one of the seller from NSC) gave him money and the group of the seizurehas was flown. One of the commitmen came closer to Auhan resting upon floor,  raised him and  hung him on hand package with thermos and the document, all this is seen on video, – such version of the moment of the seizure is presented by Dilmurat. And one small detail – at the searching they founded for about 500 $, the price for offered liquids is 30,000 USD.


“Melanj in Almaty is not suitable”, so the following variant goes in move “Decaborane-14″ in the other city”, – writes Dilmurat Abdraimov. Apropos, a striking thing was occurred with “Melanj”. In material of the deal appears that liquid, naturally super secret too. This ostensibly was obtained by Abdraimov. Where he found and where afterwards deals – it’s remained outside of information of the effect, it relied on only on the evidences of Auhan. But this circumstance in the eyes of addition emphasizes the blame of Abdraimov, which persistently continues to search for the fuel by the task of his uncles-spy, and fell into accusatory conclusion, removing to the condemnation of the court.


“By the investigation it was set that Auhan beside me building checks the liquid “Melanj”, which I am ostensibly gave. The investigation writes that Auhan, opening the bottle, has sniffed a liquid, which was some smoke from, and became to check the liquid, having lowered in it piece of the wire (but specialist knows that “Melanj” breaks vital activity of the person, causes the defeat with the following edema of the mucous shell of the respiratory ways and light and can easy kill the person by one of their own evaporations). “That is to say, spy definitely will not survived, while the present of “Melanj”. And, knowing it, would he lightheaded sniff the liquid?” – is assigned by question of Dilmurat Abdraimov.


Of course, we would like to listen to the standpoint of the effect comparatively to this question, is either as in respect of the other, given by Dilmurat: “What do you think, can we name the espionage that do not make a search for some secret documents but more so liquid, and members of NSC emphatically try to meet to obtrude, make me to take these unlawful documents?”


And about the court


Not only the Chinese person fells himself as a victim of incomprehension in what he accused, because of language problems. The same it’s possible to say about Abdraimov (and on logic Kolesnikov too) because if Auhan understands the Kazakh speech in comparison with writing, Abdraimov doesn’t know the national language in any form. However, after pronouncement of condemnation they made him to sign in reception of Verdict on state language. The pronouncement of condemnation was winnowed without any translation.


On the court Dilmurat assigned the question:  “is Decaborane that material, which was necessary for Auhan?” And noted that moment when expert operation by the degree of Decaborane–14 is fixed before presenting of these liquids to Auhan. .


Apropos, to the moment of the ad judgment the Kazakhstan newspaper “Vremya” (Time) has published the material about spy passion, swept away herewith one thing – turns out to be that it’s peacefully possible to gain the Decaborane-14 in Russia. And there is no secrecy for Russian people. This moment Dilmurat said on court too, on what public prosecutor parried: “it’s not Russian, it’s a Kazakhstan.”


Thereby, court considered proved the culpability of all three. The condemnation repeated the accusatory conclusion up to multiple spelling errors. From himself judge added only number of year’s deprivations of the liberty.


Secret of Decaborane


Most certainly, all three convicted participants of this special operation, especially former public prosecutor, focused attention on multiple breaches of legal sides deal, were struck dumb if knew that in their action, in general-nothing illegal.


Trying to understand what presents itself the supersecret material Decaborane-14 (for attempting of the reception of which three persons have got the greater periods of the deprivation of the liberty); we applied for consultation in Almaty Institute of chemical sciences. The leader of corresponding laboratory (having heard that deal concerns the department with known reputation, asked not to name him) reported that neither Decaborane nor TUSW are in list material referred to state secrets. He didn’t show the list, he said it is necessary to search for it.


The scientist (again on the conditions of anonymity) from the Institute of cosmic studies even didn’t believe that Decaborane-14 has brought three people in the dock. This is not a secret of material yet but the way of its production is in detail described in book of Ponamorenko V.K. “Missile fuel” (Mojaiskii Academy, 1995).


As it was realized, the Decaborane-14 can be used as the missile fuel but in 50th of past age whereupon removed in category of chemical reagent available to any chemical laboratory.


About the accessibility of Decaborane and TUSW speaks that fact that both materials possible to get in Almaty and in Ust-Kamenogorsk cities. Having a rung to the Almaty company, specialized on supplying the chemical reagent from the USA by catalogue of the well-known company Sigma, on question about possibility of acquisition of Decaborane-14, they have reported that it will be no problems. Only the customizing the material has to do themselves. But the Ust-Kamenogorsk “Kris Analit” ltd is ready to bring Decaborane and TUSW to the place of order without any conditions.


On any event we have sent the letter to the Russian factory “Aviabor” – a producer of “supersecret” Decaborane. And soon got from them an answer: “Decaborane is contributed to the “List of equipments, material and technology, which can be used in making the missile weapon and in respect of which, is installed export checking”. Given list is approved by edict of the president of Russian Federation from 08.08.2001. And that is all. And there is no secrecy.


In the course of effects the secret material “Melanj” for several times was mentioned, which commitment tried to give for TUSW. However and it presents itself rather a problem than a secret because as perfected fuel it pollutes ground and work on its liquidations is guided in Russian, Ukraine and in Armenia moreover with the NATO assistance.


It’s possible, certainly that employee of NSC know something else, not given in material of the effect and in the court. But it is difficult to believe. Either as in general it is difficult to believe in this history in the whole that spy from country on many decennial events outstripped in its technical advances the Kazakhstan will make a search for secret technologies. Yes, and somehow shame on you even expects that morally outdated on its factor material, hitherto is sink-secret for Kazakhstan. Is the country so lagged?


Certainly, the winner’s side of the whole absurd deal became the NSC. As reported the press-service of the NSC, in 2008 were exposed twelve spies. Five agents had been judged. About three of them already are known However, for the same period inwardly of the Committee’s structure were revealed more than thirty traitors of the native land, including high management of NSC.



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