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The veteran of the consequences elimination of Chernobyl accident became the victim of the police’s lawlessness



In Almaty the veteran of the consequences elimination of the Chernobyl accident was injured from the actions of police. He and his comrades from movement “Chernobyl and local wars veteran’s union” firmly intending to attract police to criminal responsibility.


In consequence of work execution in zone of Chernobyl accident Bahyt Bitureev became the invalid. The wretched pension of18 thousand tenge (150 USD) compels him to work up as the taxi driver. In the night of January 17 he had taken three clients – a girl and two boys. Moving on Auezov region territory, on one of the crossroad the road was partitioned by the police minibus. As soon as Bahyt came out of his car to know what is wrong, the police started to pounce immediately.


“I did not break the legislation of the country, did not make the offenses, and did not make any crimes. In that day I was delivering for three clients. I was stopped by the three policemen; senior of them was in rank of the first lieutenant, whose name is Dmitriy Li, and with him two sergeants. Without some explanations, without any reason at all and bases these three policemen began cruelly beat me – writes Bahyt Bitureev, having applied for help to «Chernobyl and local wars veteran’s union “, as he is a member of that union.


The girl-passenger tried to bring to reason “guards of the order”, but beside it was nothing good. By the words of Bitureev, these two sergeants were like “tipsy”.


“As a result of beating they broke my nose, made the concussion of the brain and other heavy scratches and bruises. During the beating I was deprived the money in size of two thousand tenge. I show them my certificate of Chernobyl‘s invalids for several times, but they warmed burst out laughing and said that they are “sneezing” to all certificates and all veteran-invalids. All these utterances certainly were only in bad language…” – hereinafter continues the author of this statement.


Have been richer for two thousand tenge, the police had left Bahyt at rest. By the words of the veteran, the first lieutenant before his sit into minibus reported that his name is Dmitrii Li, and he is like the «God of Auezov region”. Threatened that can withdrew him to police station and there he will be committed an outrage.


“That’s offensively, by the words of Bitureev, first time he wrote the statement in Auezov police station, but there he wasn’t entered and refused to take his statement. And man on duty did not motivate his refusal to take the statement, so in the same night he went to the police station. – tells Rahim kajy Abdykarimov, the president of «Chernobyl and local wars veteran’s union”, who took on himself the initiative to attract public on squalling incident. – He had left the statement in the Service of own safety, but whiles there no answer. No one is calling and nothing is ringing. We have written the official letter to our Minister of Internal Affairs and the collective letter to our President. Aside from this, we have returned the letter to the Department of National security committee.”


Bahyt Bitureev was in hospital for two weeks. “Concussion of the cerebrum, bruises of the soft fabric head and person, fracture of the bones of the nose with offset, bruise of the thorax” – a result of 10 minutes’ “contact” with policemen. Truly, in extract from history disease, issued in 7th town hospital in traumatology branch, appears the phrase “Beaten by unknown” – maybe, physicians decided to be backstopped.


As soon as “Chernobylman” has left the statement in the service of own safety, Dmitrii Li began to call him to mobile telephone but afterwards switched to his sister – offered “to compromise an action on-good”.


When police has understood that stubborn veteran will stand on his telephone threats began.


“Regrettably, impudent but occasionally and criminal attitudes by employees of police bodies to veteran and invalids of Chernobyl and veterans of the local wars is not single event” – notes Rahim kajy.


Presently members of this union persist on attraction to criminal responsibility not only three police, participated in beating Bitureev but also their management which has to be responsible for their own subordinated. Also Bahyt Bitureev must be discharged compensation for physical, material and moral damage.


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